
Personal Injury Insights

Is it Whiplash or Something Else?

Have you been suffering from chronic pain and been told “It’s only whiplash.”? Have you been told “You just need to get over it.”? If so, be sure you visit a doctor that knows how to fully evaluate acute spinal and soft tissue injuries to get a complete diagnosis. Your

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Drunk Driving Causes 27 Deaths Each Day in the US

Each day drunk driving causes 27 deaths in the United States. That’s 27 deaths each day that are 100% preventable. Here’s how you can help prevent drunk driving, whether you are attending or hosting a party. If you’re hosting a party, you should… Offer non-alcoholic beverages; Serve plenty of food;

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Who is At Fault for a Car Accident in Bad Weather?

We all know Kansas City weather can turn on a dime. I was golfing a few weeks ago and scraping ice off the windshields last week. When winter weather strikes, it can catch Missouri drivers off guard. Black ice, rapidly changing road conditions, and limited visibility can contribute to drivers

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Neck Injury – Sometimes It’s Not “Just Whiplash”

What is Whiplash? Whiplash is one of the most common personal injury diagnoses following a car accident. When an ER doctor examines a patient complaining of neck and/or upper back pain following any type of automobile accident, and there are no obvious bleeding or broken bones, the common course of

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Minor Traumatic Brain Injury Myths Dispelled

Traumatic brain injury, concussions, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) have been regular topics in the news, sports, and entertainment. Public awareness of these injuries is at an all time high thanks to movies like Concussion and as a result of the recent NFL settlements with former players. Even with this heightened

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Texting and Driving Causes Car Accidents. Period.

The National Safety Council has designated April “Distracted Driving Awareness Month.”  Texting and driving has become one of the biggest distractions to drivers on Kansas City roads, and a growing number of car accidents are being caused by it.  The NSC says it’s time to Take Back Your Drive. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association

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Drunk Driving Accident – The Party’s Over

Nobody starts their night-out saying “I hope I hurt or kill somebody tonight in a drunk driving accident.” But if you or somebody you care about is choosing to drink and drive, these are the real consequences waiting on the other side of that decision.  Unfortunately, I’ve seen the devastating

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Motorcycle Accident: Does a Helmet Help My Case?

We hear the question a lot.  “If I am injured in a motorcycle accident without wearing a helmet, can I still recover for my injuries, medical bills, and lost wages?  The answer depends on where the motorcycle accident happened. In Kansas, the law does not require motorcyclists to wear a helmet.

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