
Personal Injury Insights

Road accident with smashed cars.

Defensive Driving May Not Be Enough

If you have been in a Missouri or Kansas car accident, you are likely injured, upset, and unsure of what to do next. You never expect to be involved in a car accident and it is overwhelming when you are involved in an accident. Even if you are a safe

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Beware of Gap in Treatment During COVID

During COVID, drivers and passengers who get injured in a motor vehicle accident are sometimes reluctant to visit doctors and hospitals for fear of getting exposed to COVID-19 or they are unable to get an appointment because medical professionals are turning them away. The lack of immediate medical attention is

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Wrongful Death

Wrongful death cases arise from many different causes. Fatality accidents are sadly an all too often occurrence on the roads and highways across Kansas and Missouri. If you have lost a family member in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, we are here to help guide you through

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How the Delivery Service Industry is Flying Below Radar

E-commerce has become a way of life for us. Ordering items online and having them magically arrive at our doorstep the next day is now the norm. We have become a culture that expects fast service, time saving and multitasking. Drive-through fast food, instant communications and one stop shopping are

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When Convenience Has a Human Cost

Home Delivery Services – Mini Series Home Delivery Services –  The Human Cost Amazon has single-handedly changed the way we shop. Americans love the convenience of ordering something online and having it delivered to their doorstep the next day. Last year alone, Amazon shipped over 2.3 billion packages. This convenience

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Electric Scooter

Can I Get a DUI While Riding a Bike or Scooter?

Summer means getting outdoors to enjoy the nice weather. More people are out and about walking and riding their bikes. Family and friends are gathering for BBQs and get-togethers. With this comes the increased likelihood that you or your friends will enjoy an adult beverage. You have heard it time

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boating while drinking

Can I Get a DWI While Boating?

Summer and boating activities go hand in hand. With the warmer weather, lots of us will be out on the water fishing, waterskiing and just enjoying the sunshine. Unfortunately, some people associate these activities with drinking. Whether they don’t care about the implications of operating a boat under the influence

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Can a Minor Car Crash Cause A Major Personal Injury?

Major Personal Injury in Minor Car Crash? Car crashes account for an astounding number of major personal injuries every year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that approximately 6 million auto accidents occur annually in the U.S. While not all of these accidents result in injuries, many do.

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What to Do if You Have Been Injured by a Defective Product

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), defective products injure millions of Americans every year, and kill thousands of others. We use dozens of different consumer products each day. Nearly any product we encounter could be dangerous if it is defective. Defective products can range from children’s toys,

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The Dangers of Drowsy Driving in the Trucking Industry

Driving and fatigue are a dangerous combination. But when it comes to drivers of big rigs, the problem is even more serious. Commercial trucks weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Because of their sheer size and weight, they are difficult to control. Stopping a truck or making a sudden maneuver requires

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What to Do If Someone Has a Spinal Cord Injury

In a split second, a spinal cord injury can change someone’s life forever. It is estimated that 17,500 spinal cord injuries occur every year. Currently, there are approximately 450,000 people living with spinal cord injuries in the U.S. A spinal cord injury is caused by trauma to the spinal cord,

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Winter Holidays Bring Increased Driving Danger

The winter holidays are right around the corner! From Thanksgiving through New Year’s, we all look forward to enjoying the holiday hustle and bustle, spending more time with friends and family and attending holiday parties. Amidst all these festivities, however, there is a dark side. During the holidays there is

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