
Stan Bachman

Attorney and founding member Stan Bachman represents businesses and individuals in all areas of business law and litigation, with a focus on construction law. After earning his Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Science from Kansas State University, he went to work for J.E. Dunn Construction Company in Kansas City starting out as an onsite project engineer and then estimator and project manager. While working at J.E. Dunn, Stan earned his Master of Business Administration Degree from Rockhurst University and earned his law degree at the University of Kansas School of Law. Stan eventually joined Walton Construction where he served as Vice President of Operations. Eventually Stan left Walton to form his own company, which he successfully ran for 18 years before finding himself called to go back to law school and enter the practice of law.

In His Own Words

My path to becoming a lawyer was not conventional, but it has everything to do with the “who, what, where, why and how” I practice law. Engrained in my core are values learned as a farm kid from Northeast Kansas, where your good name is your most prized possession, respect is something you earn, there is no substitute for hard work, honesty is always the best policy, to always be fair, that you’re no better than anyone else, and when someone has a need you do what you can to help. These values simply boil down to treating others just like you want them to treat you, otherwise known as the Golden Rule. After college I spent twenty-five years getting my real education in the business world school of hard knocks where I had many successes, but perhaps more importantly learned valuable lessons from my failures. I went back to law school later in life because I believe I was called to use my background and life experiences to assist and serve others with sound legal counsel, advice and guidance. I practice law because I want to help others. That can mean helping a client attain fairness and justice when they’ve been wronged, or providing them with sound counsel and advice in their business affairs or personal lives. The one word description of my goal as a lawyer is to always be my client’s “advocate.”

Practice Areas

  • Business and Corporate Law
  • LLC and Corporate Formation
  • Contract Review, Counsel, and Negotiation
  • General Business Counsel
  • Lease Review, Counsel, and Negotiation
  • Construction Law
  • Arbitration and Mediation
  • Mechanic’s Liens
  • Extra Work and Change Orders
  • Business Litigation
  • Breach of Contract
  • Fraud

Bar Admissions

  • United States District Courts
    • Western District of Missouri
    • District of Kansas
  • State Courts
    • Missouri and Kansas
  • Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Court

Professional Affiliations and Honors

  • American Bar Association (ABA)
  • Kansas Bar Association
  • Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association (KCMBA)
  • American Subcontractor’s Association – Kansas City Chapter (KCASA)
  • Johnson County Bar Association
  • Super Lawyer Status 2015 – Present
  • Fellow of The Construction Lawyers Society of America 2018 – Present


  • Bachelor of Science in Construction Science, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
  • Master Business Administration, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO
  • University of Kansas School of Law, Lawrence, KS

Community Involvement

  • Worship team vocalist, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Overland Park, KS
  • Vocalist, Annual Walk to the Manger  Christmas pageant, Colonial Presbyterian Church

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