
Legal Insights

How much do you know about Rick Morefield?

You probably know he’s passionate about his clients. You probably know he loves practicing law. But there is a lot you don’t know about Rick.

Rick’s journey to becoming a personal injury attorney started way back in high school when he competed in debate. But it wasn’t always a straight path to the law. Did you know he played lead guitar in a rock band named Spectrum and had a dream of pursuing that as a career? On the other end of the spectrum, he thought about going into medicine or marine biology.

Luckily, all of those dreams fell by the wayside and his dream of becoming a lawyer to help people stuck with him through all of those years. After law school, Rick first got experience practicing law in one of Kansas City’s largest and oldest law firms. This lead him to have an epiphany: Rick wants to help individuals. And after a judge told him he was meant to be a personal injury plaintiff’s attorney, Rick set his sights on that goal.

All of this lead to MSB. Rick had a vision and continues to carry out that vision: to build a law firm that is focused on the community. If you read our newsletters or look around on our site, you will see some of the work we do to give back to the community – from Walking Like MADD to volunteering with My Father’s House to providing pro bono legal services. MSB takes that vision of giving back to their community and incorporates it into each case that we take on. We are not your typical lawyers – we want to help you heal holistically and get justice. So whether you just need legal advice, or you need us to point you to another professional like a therapist or financial advisor, we are here to help. We know that when you come to us, you’ve faced an injury and need more than money to heal and get your life back.

Rick and his law partners formed MSB to give clients the highest quality legal services, but with careful attention to the individual needs of each client. To make this possible, we are selective about the cases we accept. We want to make sure that our caseload is never so large that it prevents us from providing individualized service to each and every client. We want to be able to spend significant amounts of time with each client working on their case to ensure the best holistic outcome that we can provide.

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