
5 Myths About Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are life changing. You may be coping with putting your life back together after an accident and wondering about your next steps. You may be wondering about what type of immediate medical help you need and what you or your loved one will require in the future.

The spinal cord serves as an information highway for the rest of the body. As your brain sends messages, they travel down the spinal column and direct nerves and muscles to function. An interruption in this mechanism causes serious impairment. Injury to the spine causes a variety of symptoms, from pain, numbness and tingling, to limited movement or complete paralysis. Statistics report that 250,000 to 500,000 people suffer from spinal injuries every year.

Unless this has happened to you, there may be a lot you don’t understand about spinal injuries. There is a lot of misinformation out there.

Here are some common myths about spinal cord injuries:

Spinal cord injuries mean the victim will never move again. It is important to remember that every injury is unique. Two people could have the very same injury and experience it differently. The mobility that a victim can regain after an injury is somewhat unique to the victim. Also, recovery has a lot to do with the quality of medical treatment you receive, a good assessment of your medical condition and a quality of your rehabilitation.

The spinal cord must be completely severed to cause paralysis. This isn’t always true. A victim can lose motor function and sensation when the spinal cord is bruised, crushed or stretched.

Spinal cord injuries are the same, always causing the same result. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that serve as an information highway of sorts. It allows messages from the brain to be transmitted to other parts of the body. If this information is obstructed in any way, movement and sensation are affected.

There are generally two types of spinal cord injuries, complete and incomplete. With a complete injury, the victim will experience total paralysis below the site of the injury. With an incomplete injury the victim can have control and sensation of some, but not all body parts.

Rehabilitation and treatment for a spinal injury ends when you leave the hospital. This isn’t true. When a patient is in the hospital, a team of therapists and doctors will create a treatment plan and set goals moving forward. Inpatient therapy isn’t complete when the patient leaves the hospital. In fact, the road to recovery may be very long, and a full recovery may not be possible. The cost of these therapies can be extremely costly.

If you or a loved one has experienced a spinal cord injury that was caused by the negligence of another party, it is important to speak with us as soon as possible. We understand that these injuries are devastating physically and emotionally. We know that the treatments and therapies needed can be extremely expensive, and the victim is likely unable to work. Call us today for guidance and a free consultation.